Ce qu’est OSI, ce que fait OSI

Cette page vous présente plusieurs diapositives qui vous permettront de synthétiser ce que OSI est, et fait.

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Participatory Research by OSI

Participatory Research consists of real research projects conducted by scientific volunteers, both young and adult. Anyone can become a scientific volunteer, regardless of prior knowledge or skills. Through OSI’s specialized educational tools, our science educators guide these volunteers to acquire the involvement and skills necessary to contribute meaningfully to a research project. These projects are organized by themes within various Programmes. Programme Managers are responsible for ensuring the progress of these projects, establishing collaborations with academic research institutes, and maximizing the impact of the collected data.

Education : Driving the Sustainable Development Goals

At OSI, we believe empowering individuals with responsibility for Sustainable Development requires science education, scientific reasoning, and connection with Nature. The rise of extremism and society’s slow response to environmental challenges highlight the urgent need to cultivate critical thinking through science practice. We also place great importance on fostering responsibility and autonomy so citizens, both young and adult, can act as change agents and leaders in realizing the future they envision.

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Présentation Power Point d’OSI
Présentation PDF d’OSI (en français)
Plaquette de présentation d’OSI
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Participatory Research : Driving Education and Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

Since 1992, OSI has been developing Science Education and Citizen Science projects and launched the first Participatory Research Stays in 2004. The NGO holds Special Consultative Status with the United Nations.

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 Actions and Impact

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Some Examples of Our Current Successes

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Types of Operations

Participatory Research goes beyond traditional research.

To make Participatory Research a reality, OSI embraces a powerful approach that reaches citizens where they are, using activity formats familiar to them. By doing so, OSI can engage as many people as possible, in meaningful ways. This approach includes :

  • all conditions of Scientific Research (managed by the Research and Science Education Programmes of the NGO),
  • Eco-Solidarity Travel formats (Citizen Science Clubs, Meaningful Travel, Responsible Tourism for Sustainable Development) (supported by the Sustainable Development Pedagogy and Logistics Programmes of the NGO),
  • involvement of as many citizens as possible, either directly (participation in our Citizen Science projects) or indirectly (group involvement supported by third-party funders (foundations, EU) or regional leaders) (managed by the Participatory Development Programmes of the NGO).


It becomes clear that Participatory Research activities are more than just research or travel ; they create a unique format allowing participants to Give and Act, in the service of a real and impactful project directly linked to Sustainable Development solutions.

 On the Ground

OSI is an Open Source and Royalty-Free platform.

Any government agency, association, NGO, or other organization interested in joining the platform can register to benefit from it.

Active across all continents and with over 25 years of experience, OSI organizes, among other things :

  • At the Operational Level :
  • At the Institutional Level :
    • The International Annual Conference on the Rights of Nature at the United Nations each year since 2012, where active governments and citizen networks engaged in Nature Rights gather (http://www.osi-genevaforum.org/).
    • Since 2016, OSI has organized the International Annual Conference on Citizen Science and Participatory Research at the UN General Assembly, creating an international space for stakeholders to connect, share, and advance the field (http://www.osi-genevaforum.org/).
